Si is a journalist and filmmaker from the social justice frontline. He’s had his work published in all forms of the itinerant and less-itinerant press. His films have been screened, stolen, imitated and cited in court cases and bar fights from Aberavon to Al Mukalla.
His first documentary, Big Rattle in Seattle was screened at the NFT, used to open the San Francisco docfest and broadcast almost everywhere but Britain (where apparently it breached the ITC codes of conduct on incitement). Extracts were lifted and included in the Oscar nominated doc “If A Tree Falls…” (just saying).
In 2000 Si was commended by the Commission for Racial Equality for a series of articles exposing far right activity in South West England (for which he also received death threats from the neo nazi groups involved). In 2003 he was published alongside Antonio Negri in ‘On Fire: the Battle of Genoa and the anti-capitalist movement.’ In 2013 his doc Borderland – about the contradictory nature of the nascent Syrian revolution and it’s potential to destabilise Lebanon – was premiered at the Frontline Club and selected by Dochouse for their Between The Lines festival.
Si works as a self shooting producer director and documentary DP. He also designs and delivers documentary, photo and journalism training and has done so for at risk young people for the charity Headliners, for video activists in Palestine’s West Bank, and for graduate and post graduate students at the Royal College of Art, Sussex and Brighton Universities.