In a Free Syrian Army hideout young men pray together before hopping 3-up onto Chinese motorcyles with armfuls of anti-tank mines they then dig into deserted country lanes. In a makeshift Free Army hospital a veterinarian patches up war torn youths – like Nabhan shot through the penis but desperate to get back in the fight.
Is the Syrian uprising the last cry of the Arab spring or the oldest fight in Islam shaping for war? From the camera phone-wielding teenage jihadis to the Palestinians backing the tyrant to the Lebanese war vets training their kids to fight for Assad, the conflict seems uncontainable by either old politics or new borders. Shot in the Lebanese-Syrian borderlands Borderline Crazy is one man’s attempt to get to grips with the contradictions and brutality of this unfolding conflict – currently at rough cut stage.
This is a teaser – for a working version of the documentary see here.